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Single Member Plan

For one individual, unlimited use of facility and services.


Dual Member Plan

Share with spouse, significant other, children 14 years and older, or a dependent parent at the same address.


Family Plan

Children under 14 are free with your membership. Childcare is included while you workout at Crossroads.

One-Day Pass

Cost is $12. Access to our facility including pool, weight room, machines, or try one of our classes.


Call 406-442-6733 for more information. All plans include: child care, indoor pool, indoor running track, ALL group fitness classes (excludes bootcamp), cross-training room, racquetball, and all exercise equipment and weight room.
Student Discounts:
Crossroads Fitness offers full time students ages 14-22 package discounts with no sign up fees. $39 month to month, school year $225 (Sept.-May), $99 summer special (June-Aug).

Senior Discounts:
Crossroads Fitness offers discounts for seniors with no long term contracts. We also have several Group Fitness programs tailored for seniors. We accept Silver Sneakers, Silver and Fit.

Corporate Rates:
Crossroads offers discounted corporate membership rates. You may qualify for a discounted rate depending on your place of employment. For information, stop in for a tour and talk with our membership staff.